Buttock exercises
hip thrust

One of the most effective exercises to specifically train the gluteal muscles.


  1. Sit with your back against a bench and your shoulders resting on the edge.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart on the floor with your knees bent at a 90° angle.
  3. Place a barbell or weight on your pelvis and stabilize it with your hands.
  4. Lift your hips up until your body forms a straight line (shoulder to knee).
  5. Actively tighten your gluteal muscles at the top, hold briefly and lower your hips back in a controlled manner.

A basic exercise for the legs and buttocks. Variations like sumo squats place more emphasis on the buttocks.


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out.
  2. Keep your back straight and tighten your stomach.
  3. Bend your knees and push your buttocks back as if you were sitting down on a chair.
  4. Go as deep as possible without losing tension in your lower back.
  5. Push yourself back to the starting position from your heels while tightening your glutes.

Perfect for toning your butt and legs and improving balance.


  1. Stand upright with feet hip-width apart.
  2. Take a big step forward with one leg.
  3. Bend both knees until the back knee almost touches the floor and the front knee does not extend beyond the tips of your toes.
  4. Push yourself back to the starting position with the heel of your front leg.
  5. Change the page.
Glute Bridge

An easier alternative to hip thrusts, ideal for beginners.


  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
  2. The arms lie relaxed next to the body.
  3. Lift your pelvis up until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
  4. Tighten your buttocks at the top, hold briefly and then lower your pelvis again in a controlled manner.

This functional exercise effectively trains the buttocks and legs.


  1. Stand in front of a stable bench or box.
  2. Place one foot on the box and push up with your heel until your other leg is also up.
  3. Lower the back leg back to the floor in a controlled manner.
  4. Switch legs.
Donkey Kicks

Targeted exercise for the gluteal muscles.


  1. Get into a quadruped position, hands under your shoulders, knees under your hips.
  2. Lift one leg backwards at an angle until your thighs and back form a line.
  3. Tighten your buttocks and lower your leg back in a controlled manner.
  4. Repeat the exercise for the other leg.
Bulgarian Split Squats

A challenging exercise that works the buttocks and thighs.


  1. Place one foot behind you on a bench or raised platform.
  2. The front leg is stable, the toes pointing forward.
  3. Bend your front knee until your back knee almost touches the floor.
  4. Push yourself back up with the heel of your front leg.
So why glute exercises?

Conclusion: Buttock exercises strengthen stability, improve posture, increase performance and protect against injuries in everyday life and sports.