Chest exercises are not only good for perky chests, but also for balancing your body. They improve your posture and ultimately, your overall appearance appears more harmonious. First, a quick fact sheet: The chest muscles essentially consist of three muscles: the pectoralis major, the serratus anterior, and the pectoralis minor. To get a well-defined chest, you should incorporate all three muscles into your training. We'll start with some of the most well-known and effective exercises.
Shoulder Press Stack Weight - Vision Fitness
ATX® Lever Arm Multipress
ATX® Multibank MBX-610 - weight bench
Urethane Dumbbells ATX® Dumbbells - 2.5 kg to 60 kg
They help to optimally shape your chest muscles and especially train the outer part of your chest.
Butterfly exercises focus on the chest muscles (pectoralis major) and reduce the workload of other muscles, such as the shoulders or triceps. This allows you to specifically train your chest and balance muscular imbalances.