ATX® Rackable Hip Thruster Attachment
MS-ATX-HIP-RAK | Garantiebedingungen
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product description
ATX® Rackable Hip Thruster Attachment - Hip Thrust
ATX® Rackable Hip Thruster Attachment suitable for all power racks & rigs with a storage width of 995 mm - 1255 mm.
Fantastic tool for developing and strengthening the gluteal and lower back muscles! Easy to use and compatible with almost all commercially available rigs & racks/shelves*. The product is heavy-duty and perfect to handle thanks to individual height adjustment and rotating storage! With this add-on you can specifically train your buttocks and the back of your thighs. The practical thing about this exercise is that you don't put a lot of strain on your knees. The hip thrust is very easy to do: the shoulder blades are placed on the raised surface - the feet remain on the floor. When performing the exercise, the hips are stretched towards the ceiling (usually against a weight). This allows you to train your gluteal muscles without any other restrictions in movement. Just try it out!
product details
- optional attachment for Rig & Racks`s (shelf width 995 mm - 1255 mm)
- easy handling
- pivoting function
- for targeted hip thrust / glute bridge
- individual height adjustment via storage hooks / J-hooks
- *Compatible with all ATX J-Hooks
- *Required internal dimensions of shelves / J-hooks - at least 42 mm
- comfortable upholstery
- heavy-duty - up to 200 kg
Stressed muscles
- gluteus maximus
- lower back muscles
cushion size
- Length: 600 mm
- Width: 240 mm
- Height: 60 mm
- Price per piece
scope of delivery
ATX ® Rackable hip thruster attachment
Examples of accessories shown such as half rack, barbell, weight plates, air bike etc. are not included in delivery!
Hip Thrust Machine - Training
The hip thrust lives up to its name and means "to push with the hips". The exercise effectively trains the buttocks and the back of the thighs without putting too much strain on the knees or overloading the front of the thighs. The hip thrust is also easy to do. When performing it, the shoulder blades are placed on a raised surface, which increases the range of motion while you keep your feet on the floor. The hips are then stretched against a load towards the ceiling. This means that the gluteal muscles can be trained in their full range of motion. Check out the free ATX app for more examples.
The Hip Thrust Machine - Attachment not only helps you train your glutes, but also helps you gain more strength in other basic exercises such as squats. Increased strength in squats results in a greater training stimulus and in turn in more muscle growth. Training on a Hip Thrust Machine is therefore essential and will improve your personal fitness.
Most often, a barbell and/or weight plates are used for the execution.
Hip Thrust Training - Benefits
The big advantage of the hip thrust compared to conventional exercises for the gluteal muscles (such as deadlifts) is that the device keeps the spine in a neutral position. This reduces the risk of spinal injuries and enables targeted training of the gluteal muscles. In addition, the muscles of the hip and buttocks are used in a full range of motion during the exercise. This leads to greater muscle activation compared to exercises such as leg presses. The muscles are only stressed in a limited range of motion during the exercise.