ATX® Dual Wall Pull Station Mirror - with 2 x 60 kg plug-in weights
ATX® Cable Pull Corner Station
Concept2 RowErg rowing machine
Concept2 SkiErg ski trainer
ATX® Fold Back Rack 750
ATX® SZ Bar - Curl Bar Pro
ATX® Triplex Workout Station
ATX® Add-On Flex Plate - Pair
ATX® Bulgarian Split Squat
ATX® Multi Bench Ultimate - New Model 2023
Indoor Cycle - Schwinn Fitness 800IC
Gymfloor® - granulate protective panels 500 x 500 x 30 mm
Original Russian Kettlebell Competition 8 - 48 kg
Polyurethane 4 Grip Weight Plates 50 mm - 1.25 kg to 25 kg
ATX® Gym Bumper Plate Weight Plates - 5 to 25 kg
ATX® Rubber Bumper Plates Plates - 5 to 25 kg
ATX® Safety Spotter Arms - Series 600
ATX® Compression Lock Pro with Safety Lock
ATX® Bicep Curl Machine for Multi Benches
The new ATX® Power Rack PRX- 510 with lat pull-down station with 100 KG weights - height 198 cm is ideal for intensive training at home. It is a compact complete station with an extra low height - 198 cm, ideal for rooms with low ceilings. Heavy-duty flip down spotters, J-hooks and multi-grip pull-up bars are included.

Die besten Übungen für jede Muskelgruppe

Effektive Übungen für gezielten Muskelaufbau am Bizeps
Effektive Übungen für eine volle Brust!
Waden Übungen für mehr Kraft, Ausdauer und Definition!
Oberschenkel Übungen für mehr Stärke, Stabilität und bessere Leistung!
Bauchmuskel Übungen für eine starke Körpermitte und sichtbar definierte Muskeln
Po Übungen für mehr Form, Kraft und eine straffe Silhouette
Die besten Übungen für definierte Schultern
Rücken Übungen für mehr Stärke, Stabilität und eine bessere Haltung
Trizeps- Übungen
Trizeps Übungen für mehr Armkraft, Definition und einen muskulösen Oberarm!
Design Your Own
PRO-Style - Rubber Dumbbell - ATX® - dumbbell set 5 - 50 kg
Rubber Dumbbell PRO-Style - mit Ihrem individuellen Logo - 2,5 – 60 kg / 2,5 kg Steigerung
ATX® Weight Lifting Platform - Customer Design
DYO Full Rubber Bumper Plates 5 - 25 kg
ATX® Weight Lifting Platform 3 x 3 m - Customize
Polyurethane Dumbbell - Customer Logo - in 2 kg steps - compact dumbbell set 4 - 60 kg
Urethane Dumbbell Custom Logo – Complete Sets - 2.5 kg Steps
What type of strength athlete are you? motion sports offers you your individual fitness equipment!
Is maximum strength your passion? Then take a look at our powerlifter category. The focus here is on the three basic exercises: squats, bench presses and deadlifts. Ready for new records?
Are high training volumes, clean technique and, above all, a good look your goals? Then you've come to the right place in our bodybuilding category. Excellent fitness equipment with perfect running properties are waiting for you! Get the best out of yourself - unleash the beast!
Women basically have the same goals in strength training as men - muscle growth and a healthy body. However, the focus is on other muscle groups. In our category you will find fitness equipment that is specifically aimed at women's favorite fitness exercises. Let's go power ladies!
Are training with your own body weight and special functional fitness exercises on your training plan? Then our functional fitness category is your place to be. Kettlebells, plyo boxes, prowler sleds and much more are waiting for you. Start grinding – machine!
From athletes for athletes and Quality for Champions – that is our philosophy at motion sports.
At motion sports you can get the right fitness equipment for your individual gym. Whether it's a home gym, garage gym, Crossfit box or commercial gym, we have your fitness equipment. Look around, get inspired, contact us - our service team is always available to help you. Our mission is to give you the best shopping experience in our shop or to work with you to find the best solution for your individual needs.
Fitness Sport is not just mindless pumping – fitness creates self-confidence, improves health preventively, helps to structure a daily routine, motivates you to pay attention to a balanced diet and much more. This unique sport motivates the team at motion sports to get better every day and to offer our athletes the best product quality and service.