ATX®-XTP® MULTI BAR - Black Special Coating
MS-XTP-MB-300 | Garantiebedingungen
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

product description
The ATX®- XTP® MULTI BAR - Black Special Coating is a high performance multi bar and offers outstanding quality features and a breathtaking appearance thanks to the latest manufacturing technology!
Really Made in Germany at the ATX ® Factory!
This multi bar / hybrid bar combines the characteristic features of a powerlifting and weightlifting bar. Dual grip width markings, comfortable knurling, a silky smooth spin and the excellent toughness of the bar enable a multifunctional range of users without compromise. Whether explosive cleans, throws or heavy lifts, the ATX ® - XTP ® Multi Bar easily meets all requirements. The high-quality 2K coating has good abrasion resistance, the mounts are hard chrome-plated and offer the highest resistance to abrasion.
product details
- Real Made in Germany
- German quality steel XTP ® Technology
- Ultrafine steel structure
- 100% ultrasonic tested
- eddy current crack tested
- Heavy-duty - up to 900 KG
- High strength» and «excellent toughness
- Excellent spin
- Knurling – standard 1.2 medium
- Dual knurl marking – without center knurl
- First-class concentricity thanks to self-lubricating graphite-bronze bushings
- High-strength 2K coating – Design "STRENGTH MEETS EXCELLENCE"
- disc mounts in abrasion-resistant hard chrome plating
- 10 year guarantee!
- Total length: 220 cm
- Handle diameter: 28.5 mm
- Total weight: 20 kg
Steel on the outside – the new extreme on the inside!
While XTP ® treated steel looks like conventional steel on the outside, its excellence lies on the inside! Thanks to the latest XTP ® manufacturing technology - Made in Germany - an ultra-fine steel structure is created which significantly improves the properties of the steel and offers a previously unattained level of resistance. The ATX ® XTP ® barbells therefore offer the highest resistance to crack propagation and breakage. The result is barbells with the highest dynamic load capacity, which are superior to all other barbells on the market!
- + Xtreme toughness
- + Xtreme strength
- + Xtreme robustness
- + Increase in dynamic resilience
- + highest resistance to crack propagation
- 100% ultrasonic tested
- eddy current crack tested
For maximum endurance / durability and greatest possible safety!
Xtreme Performance Technology is a new thermomechanical process in which the structure of the starting material is ultra-finely compressed using heat and force.
Energy + Power = Ultrafine-Grained Steel
By creating an ultra-fine-grained steel structure, the actually contradictory properties of "high strength" and "excellent toughness" of standard materials are significantly improved. The result is an ultra-fine-grained steel that emerges victorious in every test of strength.
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