Hex Bar Chrome - Special price B-stock
MS-S-HEX-Bar-C | Garantiebedingungen
inkl. MwSt., ab € 289,- versandkostenfrei (DE)

product description
Hex Bar Chrome - Special price B-stock 50 mm x 140 cm
The Hex Bar Chrome / Trapbar 50 mm is made of solid steel. The handle diameter is 25 mm. The handles are knurled for extra grip for more stability during difficult exercises.
product details
- Professional Hex Bar
- for heavy shoulder lifts / shrugs, deadlifts, squats, etc.
- made of solid steel
- handle diameter 25 mm
- extra grippy knurled
- with a low and a raised grip position
- Coating: Quality chrome plating
- load capacity up to 300 kg
- total length 1400 mm
- Grip width: 600 mm
- Weight plate holder: 50 mm x 230 mm - suitable for all weight plates with 50 / 51 mm bore
- Weight approx. 23 kg
- Price per piece
Special price! B-stock, with optical defects in the coating, but technically flawless. *Only while stocks last! Weight plates shown as examples are not included in delivery. Look here for suitable weight plates. For safe training, we recommend quick fasteners such as ATX® compression fastener Pro with safety lock .
Hex Bar / Trapbar 50 mm
A hex bar is a special form of barbell and, unlike the conventional version, has six corners (hexagon). The trap bar was originally developed for strongman sport in order to be able to move particularly heavy weights. When performing exercises with a trap bar, the strain on the spine and joints is minimized. Basically, any exercise can be performed with a hex bar, just like with a normal barbell . The big advantage of a trap bar, however, is the more even weight distribution. As the person training, you are in the middle of the bar and therefore exactly on the center of gravity. This enables better distribution to the various muscle groups and thus an increase in power development.
Training with the Trapbar 50 mm
More power means greater stimulus, which in turn results in increased muscle growth. This whole effect is favored by the natural hand position. While you have to twist your wrists with a standard barbell, you can reach downwards quite naturally with a trap bar. Twisting often leads to long-term injuries and increased wear and tear on the joints. The most popular exercises with a hex bar include deadlifts and the farmer's walk. The latter is otherwise preferably done with dumbbells. However, you can usually only increase the weight in 2kg increments per side. When training with a trap bar, on the other hand, you can increase the weight in increments of any size. You can also find examples of exercise execution in the free ATX app .
Are you training with bumper plates and your shots are not enough? Then we have just the right thing for you - our ATX ® Hex Bar XL with extra long disc shots. In addition to the Hex Bar with 50 mm shot, we also have a Hex Bar 30 mm / Trap Bar 30 mm on offer. Buy your Trap Bar from motion sports and see for yourself the quality and start your training.