Original Russian Kettlebell Competition 8 - 48 kg
MS-KB-ST-0008 | Garantiebedingungen
inkl. MwSt., ab € 289,- versandkostenfrei (DE)

product description
Original Russian Kettlebell Competition 8 - 48 kg - with international color code banding
The Original Russian Kettlebell Competition is a professional kettlebell made of steel and is manufactured in a compact one-size-fits-all size. The Competition kettlebells are therefore particularly robust and durable. The bare, unpainted handle with color banding is smooth and ensures professional and safe handling. With the Competition Kettlebells, all muscle groups can be activated through various exercises in your workout. Full-body exercises can also be carried out with the kettlebells, making your training even more efficient.
Product details Kettlebell
- Original Russian Kettlebells - Competition
- made entirely of steel
- with smooth, unpainted handle
- with international color code banding
- Handle diameter: approx. 33.5 mm
- Ball diameter: approx. 222 mm
- Height: approx. 280 mm
- available in weight sizes: 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 44 and 48 kg
- all weight sizes have a uniform external dimension with color code identification
- low weight tolerance
- with embossed brand logo "Original Russian Kettlebells"
- Color: Black - powder coated, handle unpainted - sanded, with international color code banding
The shiny, uncoated steel handle of this kettlebell may cause slight surface oxidation if exposed to moisture (hand moisture, ambient humidity). This does not constitute a product defect. As a tip, we recommend simply polishing the handle with a little steel wool if necessary; this will restore the shiny surface of the handle.
We recommend the Kettlebell Rack in various widths to match the original Russian Kettlebells. To protect your forearms and provide additional comfort during kettlebell training, we recommend the Kettlebell Wristguard .
Original Russian Kettlebell
A kettlebell is a versatile training tool. Training with kettlebells aims to intensively train explosive power as well as strength and functionality. The numerous kettlebell exercises can be adapted to all performance levels and are suitable for training at home as well as in the gym.
When you decide to purchase a kettlebell, you have the choice of different weights and sizes. Once in your hands, there are countless exercises you can perform with the kettlebell. The kettlebell swing and the goblet squat are just two examples of the many great exercises you can perform with a kettlebell.
Kettlebell Training and Exercises
The kettlebell swing is one of the most basic and commonly performed exercises with a kettlebell. It is a hip movement that trains the muscles in the back, buttocks, legs and core. To perform the kettlebell swing, stand behind the kettlebell with your knees slightly bent and a neutral spine position. Grab the kettlebell with both hands and lift it off the floor. From here, swing the kettlebell forward with your arms outstretched. At the highest point of the swing, let the kettlebell fall back between your legs. Repeat this sequence of movements as many times as you like. Make sure your back is straight and your execution is clean!
The goblet squat is another effective exercise. The focus here is on building the thigh muscles and the core. To perform the goblet squat properly, hold the kettlebell by the handles in front of your chest. Now slowly bend your knees/squat and hold the position briefly. Keep your back straight and your breastbone stretched out. Push yourself back up through your heels to return to the starting position. Perform this movement as often as you like. Check out the free ATX app for more exercise examples.
You can individually adjust the intensity of the kettlebell exercises based on the weight.