TRX® sling trainer studio version 4.0
MS-A00476 | Garantiebedingungen
inkl. MwSt., ab € 289,- versandkostenfrei (DE)

product description
TRX® Sling Trainer - Suspension Trainer Studio Version 4.0
The TRX® sling trainer - suspension trainer was specially developed for daily use in a commercial environment with many users. It is characterized by the highest quality and durability. The TRX® sling trainer - suspension trainer offers a wide variety of variations with over 300 different exercises in the areas of strength, endurance, coordination, mobility & core stability. The training is suitable for every level and enables an effective full-body workout in just 20 minutes.
The TRX® sling trainer can be integrated into both individual training and group fitness programs. It has size-adjustable foot straps with an anti-slip system and comfortable padding. The rubberized, non-slip handles prevent slipping during training.
The antibacterial protective layer prevents germ residues. The low-profile steel slides allow the length of the straps on the TRX® Studio version 4.0 suspension trainer to be easily adjusted. A lockable carabiner with a load capacity of up to 600 kg protects against accidental opening or theft of the sling trainer.
product details
- Color: Black-Yellow
- Including TRX Xtender (98cm)
- Adjustable foot straps
- Rubberized & non-slip handles
- Rubber handles provide additional hygiene and enable easy disinfection
- Simplified length adjustment through low-profile steel slide
- carabiner to protect against theft
Benefits of training with a TRX® Suspension Trainer®
- Highly functional strength and stabilization training
- Whole movements/movement sequences
- higher calorie consumption
- Functional training saves time
- combination of cardiovascular and strength training
- Continuously varying the training resistance
- training of the deep and core muscles
- Training of the small muscles near the joints