24 Results
ATX® lifting aids - lifting straps
Regular price €15,65 -
Urethane Dumbbells ATX® Dumbbells - 2.5 kg to 60 kg
Regular price From €14,70 -
ATX® Butterfly Machine - Reverse 3025
Regular price €839,29 -
ATX® Lever Arm Multipress
Regular price €944,33 -
ATX® Cable Pull Corner Station
Regular price €1.994,75 -
Concept2 SkiErg ski trainer
Regular price From €1.092,44 -
ATX® Leg Extension Leg Curl - Leg Combo Chair
Regular price €786,76 -
ATX® Lever Arm Squat Pro - Viking Press
Regular price €944,33 -
ATX® leg press 45° - Leg Press Classic
Regular price €1.364,50 -
Concept2 RowErg rowing machine
Regular price From €1.255,25 -
ATX® Biceps Machine - Curl Bench
Regular price €471,64 -
ATX® T-Bar Row Clamp
Regular price €103,99 -
ATX® multi-gym - Multiplex Gym
Regular price €2.835,09 -
ATX® Lat Machine 750 / Lat pulldown machine with plug-in weights
Regular price €1.469,54 -
ATX® Dual Pulley – cable pull station stack weight
Regular price €1.994,75 -
ATX® Functional Pull Trainer - Multi pull station
Regular price €2.625,00 -
ATX® Urethane Dumbbell Complete Sets 5 to 50 kg
Regular price From €1.007,35 -
ATX® Trinity Tower Lat Pulldown Station 3 in 1
Regular price €2.510,50 -
ATX® leg press Hackenschmidt Combo 4inONE
Regular price €2.625,00 -
Concept2 BikeErg ergometer
Regular price €1.481,09 -
ATX® Cable Cross Over 600 - Plate Load
Regular price €1.049,38 -
ATX® Dip Station Professional
Regular price €408,61 -
ATX® Multipress MPX-730 - Smith Machine
Regular price €1.469,54 -
ATX® Cable Crossover cable pull station
Regular price €3.990,55
The bodybuilding sport
Basically, the sport of bodybuilding has to contend with many prejudices. But where do these prejudices come from? In the eyes of many, bodybuilders are not the smartest and are stuffed to the brim with banned substances. But that is absolutely not the case. Basically, anyone who goes to the gym regularly or tries to get the most out of their body at home is involved in bodybuilding. Many of them aim to live a healthier life, thereby achieving better posture and, in their eyes, a better, fitter body. For many, a fitter body means a higher proportion of muscle. Thicker, defined arms, round, large shoulders, strong legs and, ideally, a flat stomach or even a six-pack. Accordingly, a large proportion of the population, namely all those who regularly do weight training , would have to confirm the aforementioned prejudices. Of course, there are different levels of desire for a good and fit body. If we talk about the general bodybuilder, he tries to build as much muscle mass as possible. But what exactly does this lifestyle and the pursuit of a particularly well-trained and muscular body entail? A bodybuilding transformation can not only bring about external changes, but also increase self-confidence and self-esteem. Achieving training goals and overcoming obstacles in the gym can be transferred to other areas of life and thus lead to a positive attitude and increased self-confidence.The bodybuilding training
- Volume : Volume describes the total load that a body or muscle experiences through strength training. Volume is usually considered over an entire training week and calculated in training sets. A training set consists of several repetitions. How high the volume should be depends largely on the regenerative capacities of the athlete. The more load/volume is exerted, the more recovery is necessary. In general, however, it can be said that more volume correlates very strongly with better muscle building . It can also be said that the more experience a strength athlete has, the less rest and regeneration they need.
- Intensity : Intensity is described by how close you approach muscle failure. In other words, how strenuous are the sets or repetitions for the body. As with volume, you should work your way up to the right intensity over time. If you always go to absolute muscle failure, the risk of injury is significantly increased and there is a danger of overtraining. This means you will be out of action for a long time, which is of course completely counterproductive in bodybuilding , as nothing is as important as continuity.
- Frequency: Training frequency is basically the number of training sessions in a week. This also includes how often a muscle group is trained in a week.
Bodybuilding - Nutrition
One of the fundamental pillars of successful bodybuilding is nutrition. The food you eat has a huge impact on your physical development, your performance in training and your health in general. In the following section, we will take a closer look at the importance of nutrition in bodybuilding and highlight the most important principles as well as the best foods and nutrients .- Proteins: Protein (also known as protein) is one of three macronutrients. Proteins are essential to keep people alive. It acts as the basic building block of the body and is part of the human body. This includes muscles, organs, skin and hair. Since muscles are mainly built up by proteins , it is very important to consume enough protein throughout the day. Proteins are found in both meat and many legumes. If you cannot get your daily requirement through your normal diet or have difficulty doing so, you can resort to nutritional supplements. These nutritional supplements, such as protein powder, help to meet the approximate daily requirement of around 2 g of protein per kg of body weight. This protects the muscle and gives it the necessary building blocks to build more muscle cells. This in turn is associated with muscle growth.
- Calories: Basically, calories are the building blocks for gaining body weight. Every food has a different number of calories. Fats have a relatively high amount, proteins relatively few. If you want to gain weight overall, it is important to consume more calories than you use. However, you should be careful not to consume too many calories. A moderate surplus of 300 to 500 calories is more than enough to gain weight in the long term. The same applies to losing weight. Don't have too big a deficit, otherwise your motivation will quickly dwindle because you are constantly hungry. In addition, not all calories are created equal. 500 calories in the form of a bar of chocolate affect you differently than 500 calories of rice or potatoes.
- Fats: Fats are not automatically unhealthy, as many people think. On the contrary, fats play a crucial role in hormone regulation and general health. Unsaturated fats from nuts, seeds, avocados and fatty fish are particularly important. Make sure you include enough of these healthy fats in your diet to support your hormones and reduce inflammation. In addition to unsaturated fats, there are also saturated fatty acids , which are just as healthy and beneficial as unsaturated ones, but it is still no problem to consume them from time to time.
- Vitamins: Vitamins as such do not help build muscle directly, but they are still extremely important because they contribute to general health . This in turn prevents illnesses such as flu or similar. This means you can exercise regularly, which is one of the most important factors.
Bodybuilding for Women
In recent years , bodybuilding for women has become an increasingly popular sport. Women all over the world are realizing the many benefits of this sport, which goes far beyond the cliché of huge muscles. As mentioned above, bodybuilding is only associated with very pumped-up men with huge mountains of muscles. Weight training for women has a number of advantages. These include:- Health Benefits: Regular bodybuilding helps improve overall health. It helps build muscle mass, which boosts metabolism and helps reduce body fat. It also strengthens bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
- Stress relief: Working out at the gym can help reduce stress and improve mood. Physical activity releases endorphins, which increase feelings of well-being.
- Making everyday life easier: The increased muscle mass and the resulting increase in strength make everyday life much easier. Climbing the stairs or carrying shopping bags is no longer a torture.