Leg training strengthens muscles, promotes stability, balance and endurance, protects against injuries, improves posture and increases calorie consumption for better fitness
Target: Hamstrings, back, buttocks.
Execution: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your hips and lower the barbell in a controlled manner to your shins before lifting it again.
Target: Hamstrings
Execution: Lie down on the machine, position your legs under the pads and bend your knees to lift the weight.
Target: Hamstrings, glutes
Execution: Hold a barbell in front of your thighs, bend forward from the hips and lower the barbell in a controlled manner without arching your back.
Target: Quadriceps
Execution: Sit on the machine, place your feet under the cushions and stretch your legs completely.
ATX® Leg Extension Leg Curl - Leg Combo Chair
ATX® - XTP® Raw Powerlifting Bar - Type 200 - Made in Germany
ATX® Barbell Club Bumper Plates - 5 to 25 kg
ATX® Barbell Holder - Dumbbell Bar Stand
ATX® Bulls Bearing Bar-MK +700 kg+ Spring Steel + Bearing
Floor protection mat Excellence 1000 x 1000 x 15 mm
Squats are an essential exercise for muscle building and overall fitness. Whether performed with your own bodyweight, dumbbells, or barbells, they offer numerous variations and are suitable for every training goal. When performed correctly, squats not only improve your performance, but also your posture and mobility!
ATX® Power Rack 520 XS - height 215 cm
ATX® - XTP® Raw Powerlifting Bar - Type 200 - Made in Germany
ATX® Barbell Club Bumper Plates - 5 to 25 kg
ATX® Bumper Plate Color Code - 5 to 25 kg
ATX® Bumper Plate Color Code - 150 kg Set
ATX® Padded Roll Neck Protection - L
ATX® Squat Bar - Safety Squat Bar - 50 mm
ATX® Roller Belt Squat Machine - Squat machine
Hip Thruster Machine Plate Load - Vision Fitness
ATX® - XTP® Raw Powerlifting Bar - Type 200 - Made in Germany
ATX® Bumper Plate Color Code - 5 to 25 kg
Gymnastics mat - TRX NBR mat - 120 x 60 x 1.3 cm
Resistance bands ATX® in 9 strengths
Resistance Band Set - ATX® - 6 Level
The adductors and abductors are two important muscle groups in the thigh and hip area. Both play a vital role in the mobility and stability of the lower extremities and are responsible for a variety of movements.
With machines
Target: abductors (gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, TFL).
Sit on the machine and place your legs on the inner cushions.
Slowly push your legs outwards until you feel maximum tension, then return to the starting position in a controlled manner
Target: Adductors (adductor magnus, adductor longus, gracilis).
Sit on the machine and place your legs on the outer cushions.
Squeeze your legs together in a controlled manner until you reach maximum tension, then slowly return.
Target: Abductors
Lie on your side and support your head with your hand. Your lower leg is slightly bent, and your upper leg is raised straight up and lowered again in a controlled manner.
Vary the exercise by placing a resistance band around your thighs to increase the intensity.
With dead weight
Target: abductors, adductors, glutes
Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and turn your toes slightly outward. Squat down, keeping your torso straight and your knees pointing in the same direction as your feet.
Push yourself back up.
Target: Adductors, abductors, thighs
Stand upright and take a large step to the side, squatting with one leg to the side. Your other leg remains straight.
Return to the starting position in a controlled manner.
Target: abductors, glutes, hamstrings
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the kettlebell in front of you with both hands. Swing it back between your legs and then pull it forward with your hips.
Make sure you perform the movement from your hips and not from your lower back.
Conclusion: Targeted thigh muscle training is crucial for your physical performance and health. Strong thighs not only improve strength and endurance in sports like running, cycling, and soccer, but also contribute to the stability of hip and knee joints. They reduce the risk of injury, promote fat burning, and increase your overall mobility. Furthermore, well-trained thighs support better posture and help you perform everyday activities like climbing stairs or carrying loads with greater ease.