ATX® Lat Pulldown - Wall Pulldown Station - Plate Load
MS-ATX-WZS-520 | Garantiebedingungen
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

product description
ATX® Lat Pulldown - Wall Pulldown Station - Plate Load
The ATX® Lat Pull Wall - a really practical and extremely space-saving lat pulldown with weight plate holders (standard Ø 30 mm, optional Ø 50 mm using an adapter). Great price - professional handling. Ideal for lat pulldowns in all variations, seated rowing, tricep presses, bicep curls, lateral raises and many other exercises.
product details
- extra low construction height / 2 m
- with upper and lower pulley
- with footrest for seated rowing and for fixing the body during lat pull-down
- preferred version of the lat pulldown - kneeling
- Rope pulleys with double ball bearings
- silky smooth and jerk-free running thanks to precision sliding bushing guide
- Pull rope - steel, plastic-coated, no loss of stretch
- for dowelling to the wall, not free-standing
- heavy-duty - up to 130 kg
- Device color: black / chrome
- weight plate holder 30 mm
- Length of the tiller 250 mm
- simple and quick assembly
- including assembly instructions
- Height: 200 cm
- Width: 62 cm
- projection: 80 cm
scope of delivery
1 x ATX® Lat pulldown - wall pulldown station - Plate Load, standard with 30 mm weight plate holders (ATX-WZS-520)
Delivered disassembled, including assembly instructions - easy assembly.
Delivery excluding dowels, weight plates, pull handles, 50 mm adapter
Despite the low height, a full extension is possible. The weight plate holders are 30 mm as standard. For use with 50 mm weight plates, please order two adapters .